Fluid Forms

The body is used as a site of queer resistance and transgression. Karim Boumjimar’s solo exhibition in Alice Folker Gallery presents a series of drawings that celebrate the body in all its diversity and challenge the norms of beauty and representation. With the title Fluid Forms, Boumjimar alludes to the fluidity of identity, the transformative power of art, the fluidity of the body, and the fluidity of the world around us.

Continuing this exploration, human bodies are represented as intertwined fragments that are part of a dense and diverse natural world. Set in an underwater environment, the works connect the natural world and the fluidity of gender. Vivid colours and abstract forms bring to life different species - both animal and human, as they play, entangle, and intertwine with each other, evoking a sense of inexpressible joy. Boumjimar’s work seeks to create a sense of Chaos and Confusion, metaphorically representing a society contaminated by oppressive heteronormative structures, a restrictive ecosystem that oppresses (queer) people.

Through explicit bodily compositions, Boumjimar’s drawings explore the relationship between the human body and the ecosystem. Depicting bodies that are intertwined and interconnected, they suggest the fluidity of gender, species, and ecologies, particularly about its impact on the queer community. Boumjimar’s work invites viewers to reflect on the various ways in which heteronormative society oppresses queer people, compelling us to consider how nature can be a space of freedom and acceptance.